Harvard Prof Apologizes After Suggesting Biden Should Pick VP Based on Accomplishments
“among the signers of a letter addressed to Biden, urging the vice president to choose Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) as his running mate”

The professor in question is Laurence Tribe and if you’ve ever looked at his Twitter feed, you know how far left he is. He made a big mistake with his fellow progressives here.
Campus Reform reports:
Harvard prof apologizes for saying Biden VP pick should center on their ‘results’
Harvard Law School professor Laurence Tribe faced backlash and has apologized for his comments about presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s running mate choice, saying that when Biden picks his running mate, he should do it based on each contender’s qualifications and reputation, not skin color.
Tribe was among the signers of a letter addressed to Biden, urging the vice president to choose Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) as his running mate. While America currently faces “lawless authoritarianism,” Warren would help rid the country of “the two twin pathogens of Trump and Trumpism.”
“Imagine her on stage debunking Mike Pence or needling ‘President Tweety’,” the letter stated.
Tribe said in an interview with the Washington Post that it would be “symbolic” to choose an African American running mate. However, he added, “I think African Americans above all would be the first to say they are more interested in results than cosmetics.”
These statements and the letter have resulted in outrage from Democrats across social media platforms.
Critics claim that Tribe is overlooking the accomplishments of black female candidates such as Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.).
Bakari Sellers, former South Carolina state representative, tweeted that Tribe made “snide remarks about the preparedness of the black women being vetted for VP.”…
In response to the pushback, Tribe apologized for his “choice of words” on Twitter soon after the Washington Post published his interview.

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Did I miss something? What has Biden accomplished in his tenure in Washington?
He’s gotten rich
Big deal. They all do.
BREAKING: Sen. Elizabeth Warren spotted entering a Cambridge tanning salon.
That also serves as a sweat lodge?
Wait, is this professor actually suggesting that job applicants — in any field — should be chosen based upon an appraisal of the applicant’s relevant professional achievements, professional experiences and his/her personal character; as opposed to being chosen based upon an assessment of skin pigmentation, genitalia, sexual predilections, etc.?
What a quaint and utterly absurd notion!!!
Creepy Uncle Joe has been in DC for decades and his greatest accomplishments are a crime bill that locked up for decades primarily poor black people for relatively minor crimes and a bill that protected his sponsor, MBNA, and other credit card companies from poor people declaring bankruptcy.
Wait a minute! Tribe actually says something that makes sense (Select someone base on their qualifications, not their skin color) and then walks it back?!?
I fully expect Joe Biden to defeat Donald Reagan and win the Senate seat he is running for.
OK, I’ll play. What are Kamala Harris’s “accomplishments”?
She can roll a mean spliff, I’ve heard. Also, she is not afraid to sleep her way to the top. Ask Willie Brown.
She is very good at being an oppressed minority. So oppressed she’s high up in poltics.
I’m beginning to think that the Democrat party values public humiliation more than anything else but I know that can’t be right. Money is what they really care about. Maybe there’s some pay off to apologizing I don’t know about?
Warrren? Qualification?
To be fair, Warren has managed to elevate fraud and deceit to a level beyond anything even Hillary has achieved, and I suppose that would make her a Democrat candidate beyond compare. And she would certainly try to replace Trump and Trumpism with a sort of high-school conception of Marx and Stalinism. And Warren’s pretty dim, which would help place her high in any Democratic pantheon.
But Tribe takes a hitchhike in the Twilight Zone when he declares that “I think African Americans above all would be the first to say they are more interested in results than cosmetics”. He could be almost right, just so long as the “cosmetics” are some shade of black (assuming that the “Rainbow Coalition” remains stone dead).
Why do you think $6 million showed up in Ukraine?
They can only protect Biden as long as he is the Democratic nominee.
It all has to go away before they can replace Biden.